Tallaght Campus

Department of Computing

Developing for Mobile Devices
  1. Mobile Device Statistics

  2. What does 'developing for mobile' mean?

    What does 'developing for mobile' mean?

    • Creating websites that are mobile-optimised
      • in the past this meant adapting the site for mobile as an afterthought
      • today the mobile-adapted content is treated 'equally' and responsive designs used from the beginning
      • some developers take the mobile-first approach development - where the content for mobile devices is developed first, then adapted for PC browsers
      • a common technique is to use responsive web designs, which adapt the layout and content to the displaying device
        Source: https://www.zkoss.org/wiki/File:Adaptive_Layouts.PNG
        Media queries

        Media queries are:

        • the main tool for the creation of responsive web designs
        • constructs included in CSS that allow the inspection of device characteristics and selective application of CSS rules based on those characteristics
        • what can be queried?
          • media type
            • all - all media
            • print - paged media and documents in print preview mode
            • screen - computer, tablet and phone screen (most commonly used)
            The media type can be specified in the link element tag when including a media-specific CSS file:
            <link href="print.css" rel="stylesheet" media="print">
          • various characteristics of the device
            • aspect-ratio - the width/height ratio
            • color - the number of bits per color component
            • color-index - the number of colors in the device’s color lookup table
            • device-aspect-ratio - the device-width/device-height ratio
            • device-height - the height of the rendering surface
            • device-width - the width of the rendering surface
            • height - the height of the display area
            • width - the width of the display area
            • orientation - whether the device is in portrait or landscape mode
            • resolution - the pixel density of the device (in print, this is the dpi of the printer)
            The characteristics are used in conditional statements placed 'around' CSS rulesets:
            @media all and (max-width: 600px) {
            	body {
            		// additional styles for mobile
            @media all and (min-width: 600px) {
            	body {
            		// additional styles for desktop
            Logic operators can be used to form complex media query expressions:

            Logic operator and:
            @media all and (max-width: 600px) and (orientation: portrait) {
            	body {
            		// additional styles for mobile
            Logic operator or:
            @media all and (min-width: 600px), (orientation: landscape) {
            	body {
            		// additional styles for desktop
        • what is styled differently?
          • background colour
          • image positioning
          • page breaks
          • font style
          • etc.
        • CSS media breakpoints (sizes at which styles change) can be obtained for currently used devices, e.g. here
        Other than with media queries, responsive design can be achieved with relative sizing of elements (% and em) i.e. elastic layout.
    • Developing native apps that run on the mobile device's operating system rather than in a browser.
    • Hybrid development - HTML + CSS + Javascript website 'wrapped' in a native app, e.g. Apache Cordova (often used for cross-platform mobile development)
  3. How are mobile devices different from PCs with browsers?

    How are mobile devices different from PCs with browsers?

    • smaller screens
    • various resolutions
    • two different screen orientations (with one primary one)
    • touch-based input
    • possibly lower bandwith and network usage allowances
    • power usage a factor
  4. How are those differences accounted for in web pages?

    How are those differences accounted for in web pages?

    • adjustment when orientation changes
    • no horizontal scrolling
    • forms should be mobile-optimised (labels above fields, touchscreen controls etc.)
    • font should be readable
    • offline use should be allowed
    • power-hungry functions should be avoided
    • should 'work' on a variety of devices
  5. Mobile App Deployment

    Mobile App Deployment

    Mobile app deployment is different from web content deployment in that the app is packaged and made available for download in an app store, rather than integrated into a running web server. Even in deployment, there are different rules for different platforms:

    • IOS – Apple App Store only
    • Android – Google Play store or other (Google allows open creation of stores e.g. Handango, Amazon App Store for Android); requires signing of apps with developers' certificates
    • Windows – app is submitted to Windows Phone Dev Centre for approval and deployment is tightly prescribed