Client-Side Web Development - Weekly Assignment #1

  1. Follow the instructions for creating and using a GitHub repository for this module, in the first two lab sheets for week 1.
  2. Make sure that before you start your repository is cloned onto the PC that you are working on.
  3. Create a folder called graded_assignment in your CSWD repository on your computer. It is important to create this folder with the correct name, as otherwise your work will not be graded.
  4. Inside the assignment folder create a new file called index.html and open it for editing in Visual Studio Code.
  5. Using Emmet abreviations or otherwise create a skeleton web page with document, head and body tags.
  6. In the body of the HTML page, define a HTML table with one header row and one data row and 5 columns. The five header cells should each contain one of the letters a, e, i, o and u. The five data cells should all contain the number 0.
  7. Do not add any styling to the page.
  8. Make sure that the page contains only valid HTML.
  9. Commit and push your repository.