Tallaght Campus

Department of Computing

HTML and CSS Topics

  1. Elements with more than one class

    Elements with more than one class

    More than one class can be specified for an element, e.g.:
    <h1 class="spaced red">My title</h1>

    The following style and h1 elements in an HTML document:

    .spaced { letter-spacing: 1em; }
    .red { color: red; }
    <h1 class="spaced red">My title</h1>

    will be rendered as follows:

    My title

  2. Box model and sizing

    Box model and sizing

    1. Box model

      Box model

      Creating space around elements and content is an important aspect of HTML page layout. For this we use margins and padding.

      The picture shows the parts of the HTML element box model:

      • the area taken up by the element's content is shown in blue
      • padding is shown in purple - it is inner spacing, between the border and the contents
      • the element border is shown in black
      • margins are shown in yellow - these are the outer spacing, between the element and other elements surrounding it

      Specifying margins and padding

      Margins and padding can both be specified separately for each side of the element:

      Examples of CSS declarations that specify margins and padding for individual sides of an element
      margin-top: 1em;
      margin-right: 0;
      margin-bottom: 1px;
      margin-left: 0.2em;
      padding-top: 1em;
      padding-right: 0.5em;
      padding-bottom: 1em;
      padding-left: 0.5em;	

      Margin and padding shortcuts

      A number of shortcut declarations also exist, taking the following syntax:

      margin: <top value> <right value> <bottom value> <left value>;
      margin: <top and bottom value> <right and left value>;
      margin: <value for all margins>;

      padding: <top value> <right value> <bottom value> <left value>;
      padding: <top and bottom value> <right and left value>;
      padding: <value for all margins>;

      Examples of CSS shortcut declarations for margins and padding
      margin: 1em 0 1em 0;
      margin: 1em 0; // same effect as above
      margin: 1em;
      padding: 1em 2em 1em 2em;
      padding: 1em 2em; // same effect as above
      padding: 1em;					

      Specifying borders

      The three border properties, width, style and color, can each be specified separately for the different sides of the box.

      Examples of CSS rules for border properties and a box with these styles applied
      border-top-width: 6px;
      border-top-style: dotted;
      border-top-color: black;
      border-right-width: 8px;
      border-right-style: dashed;
      border-right-color: blue;
      border-bottom-width: 4px;
      border-bottom-style: solid;
      border-bottom-color: yellow;
      border-left-width: 50px;
      border-left-style: none;
      border-left-color: black;

      A box with interesting borders

      Border shortcuts

      • The three border properties, width, style and color, can be specified together using the CSS shortcut properties border-*, where the asterisk stands for top, right, bottom or left.

        Using shortcuts to specify all border properties together (same values as in the previous example)
        border-top: 6px dotted black;
        border-right: 8px dashed blue;
        border-bottom: 4px solid yellow;
        border-left: 50px none black;		

        A box with interesting borders

      • Border properties can be specified for all four border sides at once, using the CSS shortcut properties border-*, where the asterisk stands for width, style or color.

        Using shortcuts to specify properties for all sides at once
        border-width: 8px;
        border-style: dotted;
        border-color: green; 

        A box with interesting borders

      • The CSS shortcut property border can be used to specify all border properties for all sides of the border in one rule.

        Using a shortcut to specify all border properties for all sides (same values as in the previous example)
        border: 8px dotted green; 

        A box with interesting borders

    2. Box sizing

      Box sizing

      Dimensions of an element can be specified either so that they exclude padding and border width or so that they include them (the default). The CSS property used for this is box-sizing.


      .parent { height:5em; width:5em; border: 10px solid yellow; }
      .child { width:100%; border: 10px solid blue; }
      <div class="parent" style="box-sizing:content-box;">
          <div class="child" style="box-sizing:content-box;">
      <div class="parent" style="box-sizing:content-box;">
          <div class="child" style="box-sizing:border-box;">
      <div class="parent" style="box-sizing:border-box;">
          <div class="child" style="box-sizing:content-box;">
      <div class="parent" style="box-sizing:border-box;">
          <div class="child" style="box-sizing:border-box;">





  3. CSS for layout

    CSS for layout

    CSS contans several constructs that are specifically designed for visually laying out content.


    The CSS property float places an element to the left or the right of its parent element and allows any content that follows to wrap around it. The CSS rules used to specify that an element should 'float' are:

    float: left;
    float: right; 


    Flexbox is a construct that styles a container and any number of elements inside it. The contained elements are treated as a one-dimensional array, which can be wrapped over multiple rows or columns if needed.

    To specify an element as a flexbox container, specify the following CSS rule for it:

    display: flex; 

    The flexbox is styled further using various rules applicable either to the container or the contained elements. This article provides detailed information on all the rules.


    Grid is a newer construct that allows two-dimensional positioning of child elements in a container element. We do not cover the grid layout system in this module but you can read more about it here.

  4. HTML tables

    HTML tables

    The HTML table is an element type for presenting data. Tables should not be used for layout.

    HTML tables are built using the following main elements:

    • table - the top-level table element
    • tr - row element, always contained in a table element
    • th - header cell element, always contained in a row element
    • td - data cell element, always contained in a row element
    • content, which is contained in the cell elements and which can be anything
    A basic 3x3 HTML table
    A basic 3x3 HTML table: HTML code and rendered
    heading1 heading2 heading3
    data11 data21 data31
    data12 data22 data32

    A CSS-styled 3x3 HTML table
    A CSS-styled 3x3 HTML table: HTML code and rendered
       table { border-collapse: collapse; }
       th, td { border: 1px solid black; padding: 0.2em 1em; }
       td { color: blue; }
    heading1 heading2 heading3
    rowHeading1 data11 data21 data31
    rowHeading2 data12 data22 data32
  5. Media queries

    Media queries

    Media queries are a way of specifying media types and features (a full list can be found here) in any combination. They are used to control conditional application of CSS rulesets in two different ways.

    1. The media query is specified as the value of a media attribute on an HTML element such as style or link. The CSS content associated with the element is then applied to the HTML page only if the media type and features of the client parsing the page match those contained in the media query.
      Example of using the media attribute:
      • media query: print
      • effect: the CSS in print_styles.css is applied only if the client is preparing the page for printing
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="print_styles.css" media="print">  
    2. The media query is specified as part of a @media construct. In this case the CSS content in the body of the construct is applied to the HTML page only if the media type and features of the client parsing the page match those contained in the media query.
      Example using @media:
      • media query: screen and (max-width: 150px)
      • effect: the CSS in curly brackets is applied only if the client screen is equal to or narrower than 150px
      @media screen and (max-width: 150px) {
          .panel {
              width: 100%;
              background-color: gray;