Tallaght Campus

Department of Computing

Javascript Events and Handlers
  1. Notes on notation

    Notes on notation

    Instructions starting with ACTION:, like the one below, are for the student to carry out while reading the tutorial.

    ACTION: Open your browser.

  2. Javascript in the Browser

    Javascript in the Browser

    In the introductory tutorial we showed a picture how Javascript interacts with the browser. Here is a more detailed illustration.

    Javascript interactions with the browser

    ACTION: Download the small website shown in the picture above from here. Unzip the files and open the file page.html in a browser. Also open the files page.html and page.js in a text editor.

    Find the button in the HTML file. It has been set up so that when it is clicked the function changePage() is called. Find the attribute that establishes this connection between the button and that function.

    Find the function in the Javascript file and try to guess roughly what two changes it will make.

    Now click the button in the browser, where you have the HTML page open, and have a look what actually happens.

    Next open the console and type in the following line:


    followed by Enter. What has changed and why do you think that is?

    Document Object Model (DOM)

    Whenever an HTML page is loaded in the browser, its DOM equivalent is also created. The DOM

    • replicates the loaded page in the form of a hierarchy of objects (see the rounded hierarchy of objects in the picture)
    • is built based on the elements of the page: there is an object for every HTML element in the page (red arrows in the picture)
    • allows easy programmatic (with Javascript) manipulation of the page: if something changes in the DOM, it changes in the rendered page (red arrows in the picture)

    ACTION: Open the console with the Wallpaper page open, then

    • type in document and press Enter; this evaluates to the object corresponding to the whole document (see in picture)
    • explore the object by opening up some of the substructures
    • type in document.getElementById("pgtt"); this evaluates to the object corresponding to the HTML element with id pgtt in the currently loaded page (in our case this is page.html)
    • explore the object in the console by clicking to expand substructures; try to find the following properties directly on the object:
      • innerHTML: the content of the element (as a string)
      • children: collection of objects representing the child elements
      • style: a sub-object containing information about styles applied to the element
    • type in document.getElementById("pgtt").innerHTML = "Hello :-)"; this sets a new string value for the contents of the element with id pgtt; what has happened in the page?
    • type in document.getElementById("pgtt").style.fontSize = "xx-small"; this sets a new style on the element with id pgtt

    Javascript interpreter

    Javascript code runs in the Javascript interpreter, which

    • resides in the browser (black rectangle in picture)
    • receives Javascript code for execution in one of three ways
      • through the console
      • from script elements in the loaded HTML page
      • as a handler for an event (the code is interpreted and executed when an event happens in the browser)
      We have used the first two in previous lab work. Today we are focusing on the third, event handlers.


    An event is something that happens in the context of a browser and currently loaded page, for example

    • a mouse click
    • the mouse pointer entering and elements' area on the rendered page
    • scrolling
    • the page loading
    • keystrokes

    Setting event handlers

    It is the developer (you!) that specifies code to be executed when an event happens. Making a connection between the event and some Javascript code is called setting an event handler. Event handlers can be set:
    • programmatically from within Javascript code (we will be doing this in the next few weeks)
    • using HTML attributes called event handler properties:
      1. the event handler property is identified for the chosen event (see here for a comprehensive list of events); event handler property names follow the pattern "on" + <event name>, for example the event handler property for the click event is onclick
      2. the browser can listen for an event only if it is associated with a particular element (click, on what?), called the target element, for example if we want the event to be a click on the button My Button then that button is the target element
      3. the event handler property is added as an attribute to the target element
      4. the handler code is added as the attribute's value
      Adding an event handler in HTML
      event: click
      target element: button My Button
      event handling code: alert('Here's the handler code saying hello!')

      Note that if quotes appear in the handler code, they should be single quotes. If apostrophes or further single quotes appear enclosed within the quotes in the code, they need to be escaped (preceded by a backslash i.e. \'). If double quotes appear enclosed within the quotes in the code, they need to be html-escaped (&quot; used instead of ").

      of code with quotes used properly in event handler attributes

      Single-quoted text in the code:

      <button onclick="alert('Hello')">Click me</button>

      Try it:

      Single-quoted text in the code containing an apostrophe and double quotes:

      <button onclick="alert('&quot;Mum\'s the word&quot;, said my Mum')">Click me</button>

      Try it:

      ACTION: With file page.html open in a text editor, find the button element. Examine it to find the event handler set on it, then answer the following questions.

      • What event is the handler for?
      • What function is called as the handler?
      • Open the file page.js and find the function. What do you think it does (roughly)?
      • Now open the HTML file in the browser and click the button to see what happens.
      • Reload the file in the browser, then open the console in the developer tools and from there call the function by typing in changePage(). The same changes should happen in the page, as it makes no difference whether the function is called as an event handler or explicitly from the console.

      ACTION: With file page.html open in a text editor, find the image element. Then add an event handler to the image element so that when the mouse pointer is brought over the element in the browser (the event for this is mouseover), an alert pops up.

      Click to see answer
      <img width="400" src="tudwp.jpg" onmouseover="alert('An alert from the wallpaper!');">