Tallaght Campus

Department of Computing

Javascript Conditional Statements
  1. What is a conditional statement?

    What is a conditional statement?

    • A conditional statement uses a condition to provide alternatives of execution in a program.
    • Conditions are expressions that evaluate to a boolean value (true or false).
    • The syntax of a conditional statement is:
      if (/* condition (expression that evaluates to a boolean) */) {
          /* consequent statement block:
             code that should be executed if
             the condition is true */
      } else {
          /* alternative statement block:
             code that should be executed if
             the condition is false */
      For example:
      let x = 2;
      if (x > 0) {
          alert("x is positive");
      } else {
          alert("x is not positive");
    • During the execution of a conditional statement, exactly one of the blocks (consequent or alternative) is always executed.
    • The alternative can be left out, in which case the alternative block is 'do nothing'. For example:
      let x = 2;
      if (x > 0) {
          alert("x is positive");
      // no else or alternative block:
      // if x is 0 or less do nothing				
    • Conditional statements can be nested if further conditions need to be checked within the consequent or the alternative block. For example:
      let x = 2;
      let y = -7;
      if (x > 0) {
          if (y > 0) {
              alert("Both x and y are positive");
          } else {
              alert("x is positive but y is not");
      } else {
          if (y > 0) {
             alert("x is not positive but y is");
          } else {
              alert("Neither x nor y are positive");
    • If there are more than two alternative paths to take from one point, conditionals can be chained. For example
      let x = 2;
      if (x == 0) {
          alert("x is zero");
      } else if (x > 0) {
          alert("x is positive");
      } else {
          alert("x is negative");
  2. Conditional Statement Exercise

    Conditional Statement Exercise

    Let's try to integrate a conditional statement with what we know about working with a webpage. We are going to create a webpage that assesses names with regard to their length.

    • Create a skeleton HTML page.
    • Create a Javascript file and include it from a script element on the HTML page.
    • In the HTML page add the following elements:
      • a text input element and label 'Enter name' to go with it
      • a button with text 'Measure name'
      • an empty paragraph element with id 'result'
    • In the Javascript file write a function that:
      • takes a single argument (a string)
      • examines the length of the string argument
      • returns a string, which depends on the input argument:
        • "The name is long.", if the input argument is longer than 10 characters
        • "The name is medium length.", if the input argument is greater than 5 and up to 10 characters long
        • "The name is short.", if the input argument is 5 characters or shorter
    • In the Javascript file write another function that:
      • reads the value of the input element in the HTML page
      • calls the first function to get the 'assessment' of the name
      • writes the 'assessment' into the element with id 'result'
    • Set the last function defined as handler for clicks on the button.
    • Test the solution. The completed exercise can be found here.