Tallaght Campus

Department of Computing

Javascript Arrays
  1. Javascript arrays

    Javascript arrays

    • Arrays are list-like objects that contain one or more elements.
    • The members of an array do not have to be all of the same type.
    • Arrays can be nested, to any depth.
    • The list of Javascript Array methods and other information about the Array type can be found here.

    Syntax for array literals

    [ element-list ]
    characters in blue
    Must appear literally as shown.
    A comma-separated list of Javascript expressions (remember that an expression must evaluate to something).

    Array examples

    Array literals

    let emptyArray = [];
    let arrayOfNumbers = [1, 2, 5.3, 8, 2, 4.4, 6];
    let arrayOfStrings = ['&#@!?', 'John', 'Jane', 'bob@xyz.ie'];
    let mixedArray = ['orange', 7.6, true, 1, 3, 'apple', false, 'banana'];

    Accessing parts of the array and finding its length (try this code in the console)

    let mixedArray = ['orange', 7.6, true, 1, 3, 'apple', false, 'banana'];
    // we extract the 1st element using index 0
    // we extract the 5th element using index 4  
    // the length of the array is in property length
    // the slice includes elements at index 2 and
    // above, up to index 6 but not including 6
    mixedArray.slice(2, 6);
    // use slice to make a new copy of the array
    let copyOfMixedArray = mixedArray.slice();

    Concatenation (try this code in the console)

    let numArray = [ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5, 6.6 ];
    // concat() returns a new array containing all the
    // elements of the two arrays involved;
    // it does not modify the original array
    numArray.concat([7.7, 8.8]);
    numArray.slice(1, 3).concat(numArray.slice(4));

    Modifying arrays (try this code in the console)

    let stringArray = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];
    // adding an element at the end
    // removing an element from the end
    let element = stringArray.pop();
    // replacing an element at an index
    stringArray[0] = 'zzz';	
    // replacing a range of elements (splicing),
    // with arguments:
    //    index of first element in range
    //    number of elements in range
    //    new elements to insert
    stringArray.splice(2, 2, 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z');

    Some other methods (try this code in the console)

    let nameArray = ['Flo', 'Hal', 'Bob', 'Con', 'Ger', 'Dan', 'Ali'];
    // sort the array (the original is modified)
    // reverse the order (the original is modified)
    // convert the array to a string, with argument as separator
    nameArray.join(' ');
    // convert a string to an array (opposite of join)
    let s = "one two three four";
    s.split(" ");
    // place a new element in specified locations
    // (the original array is modified):
    // in example locations 3 and 4 (5 is the
    // first to be excluded)
    nameArray.fill('zzz', 3, 5);
    // get the index of an element in the list

    Array exercise

    Using lists with loops: let's write some Javascript code that prints to the console a list of who would like which drink (like the one shown on the right), using the following arrays.

    ['Flo', 'Hal', 'Bob', 'Con', 'Ger', 'Dan', 'Ali']
    ['tea', 'coffee', 'tea', 'coffee', 'coffee', 'coffee', 'tea']